Assisted Living in Salisbury

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Support Tailored to Every Need

Peregrine Senior Living at Salisbury is a community where your loved one can flourish, surrounded by opportunities that enrich both their life and the lives of others.

We work closely with residents to craft an assisted living experience that’s as unique as they are. Beyond the practicalities of housekeeping and nutritious meals, we believe the true essence of our care lies in nurturing the bonds our residents have with their surroundings, their loved ones, and themselves through The Peregrine Way®.

Visit us for a tour to learn more about how we can support your loved one. 

What Is Assisted Living?

When your loved one’s home no longer meets their growing needs, assisted living emerges as a refreshing form of support for continuing to live well. This lifestyle offers a blend of personal care and the liberty to pursue life without stress. 

A wealth of amenities await at our community, where your loved one can savor each day and nourish their emotional well-being with support focused on their individual needs. 

Why Choose Assisted Living?

Determining when your loved one requires additional support can be challenging. Assisted living can be a worthwhile option to consider if your loved one needs or wants help with various activities of daily living, such as: 

  • Getting dressed and grooming
  • Personal hygiene
  • Mobility and exercise
  • Socializing

At Peregrine Senior Living, our assisted living services are enriched by The Peregrine Way®. We offer tailored care, supportive care, and comfortable amenities that can help enrich your loved one’s life.

Meal Preparation

You are what you eat! That’s why our culinary team—led by an excellent dining director—takes joy in planning and cooking meals to ensure proper nutrition and dietary needs are met. Wellness is supported by a healthy diet, and we offer exceptional dining experiences as part of our philosophy and approach to supporting our residents’ health. 

It is essential to stay on top of a medication regime with regularity and compassion. Our team helps every resident with taking prescribed medications at the right time and at the correct dosage.

One of the many joys of assisted living is the opportunity to relinquish the doldrums of household chores. Our staff take care of all the cleaning, organizing, and creation of our residents’ safe, supportive, and comfortable living environments, so your loved one can focus on living their very best life. 

Comprehensive Apartment Amenities

At Peregrine Senior Living in Salisbury, we infuse our assisted living apartments with both a warm touch and comfortable amenities.

Each of our apartments include:

  • A refrigerator and microwave
  • Individually controlled heating and air conditioning
  • Walk-in showers
  • Emergency response systems

We are also happy to welcome your loved one’s pets in many situations. Ask us about bringing your loved one’s pets during your tour. 

Vibrant Assisted Living Awaits

An assisted living community could be the right choice for helping your loved one continue to enjoy each day with full support for their personal well-being. 

We invite you to schedule a tour of our home in Salisbury today and see the difference The Peregrine Way® can make in your loved one’s life. 

More to Experience in Salisbury

In our community, each day presents a chance to spend time with loved ones, gain knowledge, and strengthen connections. 

From a vibrant events calendar to thoughtful dining experiences, there’s something for everyone here. Our caregiver team is dedicated to helping make every day at Salisbury full of compassion and enrichment. 

We are proud to offer a broad array of services and amenities, all designed with your loved one’s wellness in mind. 

Compassionate Services & Amenities

Our residents enjoy a care plan personalized to their needs and lifestyle goals. Our services and amenities are focused on promoting a healthy, active, and engaged life.

Vibrant Events & Activities

We offer a broad spectrum of activities, encompassing everything from music to themed activities and celebrations. Each day can bring new experiences at our community. 

Delicious Dining

Led by an experienced Dining Director, our culinary team loves to provide a feast for the senses, with each meal crafted to stimulate the senses and accommodate individual dietary needs.

Our Testimonials

Visit Peregrine Senior Living Today

Visit us on Healthway Drive, just off East Main Street near the heart of Salisbury. 

Visitors are always welcome.

Our Address

  • 1110 Healthway Drive
  • Salisbury, MD 21804

Contact Information

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