Respite Care in Salisbury

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Short-Term Care with Long-Term Benefits

We warmly welcome you and your loved one to experience our compassionate respite care, tailored to your loved one’s well-being and your needs for temporary support. 

Respite care offers a brief yet impactful retreat. Our doors are open for a variety of needs, from recuperation after surgery to providing a break for caregivers. Our short-term residents enjoy access to all our supportive services, enriching dining experiences, and comfortable living spaces

Visit us for a tour to learn more about the short-term support we offer. 

What Is Respite Care?

Short-term respite care can be a temporary sanctuary that not only gives caregivers a well-deserved break but also allows your loved one to fully immerse themselves in the amenities and services of our community.

Even a small measure of assistance can provide peace of mind for your loved one and your family.

When to Choose Respite Care

Our approach to respite care is customized to meet personal requirements, offering short-term residents the chance to enjoy the same exceptional level of care as our long-term residents.

There are a variety of situations where respite care can be an enriching experience.  Our committed team will evaluate the specific needs of your loved one and create a personalized care plan to suit their health and goals.

Daily support can make all the difference when your loved one is recuperating from surgery, an illness, or an injury. Our respite care services offer a great opportunity for your loved one to heal in a stable, comfortable environment. 

Your well-being is every bit as important as your loved one’s. A short-term stay can offer support for caregivers as well.

Respite care can be particularly useful for managing scheduling challenges and other conflicts that may make it difficult to continue caring for your loved one. Our experienced staff can continue and enhance the amazing care you have already been able to provide.

Caring for loved ones can be a continuous and sometimes challenging experience. A temporary break can be beneficial for you and your loved one. 

We understand the unique position of family caregivers, and we are here to offer support that can help prevent burnout. You can enjoy a break, and your loved one can enjoy our welcoming, compassionate community. 

Experience Our Approach & Book a Visit Today

You never know what challenges life can hold. We are proud to support our residents and their loved ones throughout any temporary challenges.

Schedule a visit today to see what life in our community looks like.

More to Experience in Salisbury

In our community, each day presents a chance to spend time with loved ones, gain knowledge, and strengthen connections. 

From a vibrant events calendar to thoughtful dining experiences, there’s something for everyone here. Our caregiver team is dedicated to helping make every day at Salisbury full of compassion and enrichment. 

We are proud to offer a broad array of services and amenities, all designed with your loved one’s wellness in mind. 

Compassionate Services & Amenities

Our residents enjoy a care plan personalized to their needs and lifestyle goals. Our services and amenities are focused on promoting a healthy, active, and engaged life.

Vibrant Events & Activities

We offer a broad spectrum of activities, encompassing everything from music to themed activities and celebrations. Each day can bring new experiences at our community. 

Delicious Dining

Led by an experienced Dining Director, our culinary team loves to provide a feast for the senses, with each meal crafted to stimulate the senses and accommodate individual dietary needs.

Our Testimonials

Visit Peregrine Senior Living Today

Visit us on Healthway Drive, just off East Main Street near the heart of Salisbury. 

Visitors are always welcome.

Our Address

  • 1110 Healthway Drive
  • Salisbury, MD 21804

Contact Information

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