The Peregrine Way®

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Pioneering Senior Care with… The Peregrine Way®

Too frequently, seniors are defined by their health or conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia, leading to a scenario where only their fundamental needs are met as their individuality recedes. At our community, we’re changing the narrative on health senior living and memory care

We’ve named our pioneering approach The Peregrine Way®. This philosophy is rooted in the understanding that our residents are vibrant individuals, each with their own rich history and future.

Schedule a tour with us to learn more about how The Peregrine Way® defines our services and the person-centered care we provide. 

Our Mission

Peregrine’s mission is to help our residents maintain a connection to themselves through their long-term memories, their families, and through our person-centered care.

Specialized Peregrine Way Programs

Our programs are tailored to shine a spotlight on the unique stories of every Peregrine resident. We celebrate individual differences and offer supportive care focused on stimulating our residents’ connections to themselves, their loved ones, and their community. 

Focus on Long-Term Memories

We support our residents in preserving memories by engaging in stimulating activities and events, such as pet therapy, music programs, exercise programs, and more.

Encourage Family Participation

Family connections can be important for living well, which is why we encourage and invite families to join us at any time. We offer a wealth of opportunities for family members to enjoy quality time with their loved ones.  

Staff Training & Appreciation

Our team stands prepared to ensure our residents enjoy a lifestyle marked by compassion and comfort. Their comprehensive training and understanding of our residents’ unique needs are the foundation of the personalized care they provide. 

Community-Driven Events

In the heart of our commitment to fostering a vibrant and caring community, we empower our residents to lead in the selection and organization of various charitable events throughout the year.

These events are not only random acts of kindness but also cherished moments that bring us closer, knitting the fabric of our community tighter with each passing season. 

The Alzheimer’s Walk

Additionally, we champion the cause of Alzheimer’s awareness through participating in the Alzheimer’s Walk, uniting residents and staff in a powerful demonstration of support for research and those affected by the disease.

By helping our residents to decide and arrange various charitable events, we nurture a vibrant and caring community. These events are not just acts of generosity but also shared experiences that strengthen our communal ties.

Signature Peregrine Way Events

We believe that vibrant events and activities can help stimulate and nurture long-term memories. 

Our signature programs are based on enriching each day by making it easier to engage in our community, celebrating our residents’ lives, and creating an environment of compassion where people can flourish. 

We collaborate with local educational institutions to offer a series of lectures called Peregrine University. These classes are designed to stimulate the minds of our residents and can be enjoyed alongside family.

These lectures can encompass a wide variety of topics, from world history and civil rights to art history and American presidents. 

Our Around the World Dining program features monthly culinary themes and live cooking demonstrations, enhanced by culturally-themed movies, lectures, and music. We are proud to celebrate diverse culinary heritages with these events to help foster connections and help our residents relive cherished memories. 

In our community, the soothing sounds of familiar music are a cherished aspect of our cultural ambiance, resonating throughout our buildings, and we encourage our residents to participate in musical programming that appeals to a wide range of preferences.

This use of audio helps create a warm ambiance for all of our residents—so that every moment here is underscored with warmth and vibrance. 

Our exciting events calendar is filled with activities that appeal to our residents’ varied interests and celebrate a diverse range of cultural backgrounds and personal stories through celebrations, dining events, and other planned experiences.  

Dining…The Peregrine Way®

Our dining philosophy is centered on 2 core principles:

Family Inclusion: When circumstances allow, we encourage families to come together for meals. Our residents’ family members are always invited to dine with us—at no extra cost.

Cultural Heritage: Through our Around the World Dining program, we offer monthly themed meals, cooking demonstrations, and complementary activities rooted in cultural traditions.

Each element of our programming is designed to help celebrate life, stimulate long-term memories, and support our residents’ personal wellness.

Experience The Peregrine Difference

Peregrine Senior Living at Salisbury is dedicated to providing compassionate support for those seeking memory care, assisted living, and respite care services. 

We invite you to schedule a visit with us and learn more about The Peregrine Way® in person.

More to Experience in Salisbury

In our community, each day presents a chance to spend time with loved ones, gain knowledge, and strengthen connections. 

From a vibrant events calendar to thoughtful dining experiences, there’s something for everyone here. Our caregiver team is dedicated to helping make every day at Salisbury full of compassion and enrichment. 

We are proud to offer a broad array of services and amenities, all designed with your loved one’s wellness in mind. 

Compassionate Services & Amenities

Our residents enjoy a care plan personalized to their needs and lifestyle goals. Our services and amenities are focused on promoting a healthy, active, and engaged life.

Vibrant Events & Activities

We offer a broad spectrum of activities, encompassing everything from music to themed activities and celebrations. Each day can bring new experiences at our community. 

Delicious Dining

Led by an experienced Dining Director, our culinary team loves to provide a feast for the senses, with each meal crafted to stimulate the senses and accommodate individual dietary needs.

Our Testimonials

Visit Peregrine Senior Living Today

Visit us on Healthway Drive, just off East Main Street near the heart of Salisbury. 

Visitors are always welcome.

Our Address

  • 1110 Healthway Drive
  • Salisbury, MD 21804

Contact Information

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